The Language of the Soul.
Some call it the Language of Consciousness or the living language of light. Many people worldwide are now re-discovering this ancient Language that lies at the heart of so many spiritual traditions.
Modern research confirms the most ancient form of Hebrew to be a natural language; the alphabetic forms emerge from the phosphate flare patterns of the brain.
Very rarely is anyone born into their physical body with a fully awakened higher consciousness, but for many, during our times in the twenty-first century, it's their Soul's purpose to awaken to their higher consciousness - so long as we all are aware of the fact that...
Our ego wants to elevate itself in any way it can. It will happily set off on the spiritual path because it enjoys the feeling that is becoming more spiritual. It loves spiritual knowledge and power.
Our ‘persona’ will continue on the path as long as it continues to accumulate more spiritual knowledge or power. In other words, the ego is becoming spiritualized, which is most unhelpful for anyone who is truly committed to full awakening.
What can also happen is that our inner demons feel more and more threatened so they suddenly wake up instead! That is when our Higher Self has to be the observer, while our inner comforter, who will whisper encouraging loving reminders of who we truly are; must be recognized for what they are. These inner voices feel to us like angel whispers.
We are daily reminded that our Soul, which stores a far higher consciousness, can only express its all-powerful divine knowing through a Body of Light. Just as the individual human Soul needs a physical body in order to experience life as a human being, our Higher Soul consciousness needs a Light Body in order to experience being an ascended human being. While our ‘soul’ is experiencing having a physical experience, it’s the energy of the ‘qualities of the soul’ that we can translate as energy particles.
Through becoming aware of a series of personal revelations through doodling them! Then these revelations must be contemplated through our five creative awareness levels. (In the workbook – The Language of Light we do this through doodling exercises.)
For example: By reading a story, the human brain will translate each letter, word or number according to their vibrations. Each individual brain is an organic program that can translate tonal vibrations into codes of physical matter.
The human brain has the ability to contemplate, visualize and imagine worlds within worlds on five different consciousness levels
The Language of Light is a universal cosmic language presented, if you will, in the form of energy fields, waveforms and particles – or we could say the movement between frequency bands or radio waves – yet these waves and energies are multidimensional and exist outside of linear space and time. An MP3 meditation related to the contents of this video is now available for download at
Where did this universal language originate from?
The knowledge of this language comes from our own core memory that has always been shared by the higher spiritual levels of existence. This divine soul language allows man to read the "records of the mysteries" in the higher heavens. The art of light is indeed the instrument of the spirit. The language of light emitted and received by the DNA may be the origin of all languages, the ultimate language of initiation.
in my article on the Language of Light workshop, I will share my own experiences of how I was instructed to translate the intellectual background behind the language of the starts into a more practical and usable format.
It’s my personal perception that in the higher vibrational dimensions, words and thoughts are replaced by clear unbroken tones. Words can be misleading, and ideas can be obscured, but in a sound, there is no place to hide.
Before this Living Language of Light - the language of our soul - can truly manifest throughout our several bodies, our emotional, mental, etheric and physical bodies, there must be an appropriate environment within which it can function.
Creative Doodling
The art therapy doodling exercises in the language of light workbook are like shapes each one of us can draw out. They are often intuitively born from the spinning vortex of the chakras. It is a true language of light coursing through our very nervous system.
Each soul quality is a tone, a symbol or a colour composition that carries a quality like forgiveness, unconditional love, inner power, kindness, patience, helpfulness, balance, honesty, oneness, purpose and many more.
When each artist draws out these tonal Soul qualities through meditative doodling, while focusing on the feelings of any of the first 144 Soul qualities, a symbol appears that represents each chosen soul quality. These soul qualities are drawn by our higher self and enter into our crown chakra.
Through this creative enlightenment process, we can embody our soul qualities during our return journey, written about in the novel series: awakening to our ascension.
It’s our divine spirit energy that will make our soul crawl out of its hiding space!
Through a creative activity and having the intent to embody these soul qualities of light, we reawaken the dormant aspects of our Divine Blueprint.
While we draw with a specific focus on the colours and symbols we express, this symbolic language will create a script that our higher cosmic mind will need in order to build our body of light. Understanding our own ideographic and pictographic language of our mind allows us to enter consciously into multidimensional realms, the realms of the soul.
As each individual soul awakens to his/her own Soul’s energy, translating your own drawings is empowering. This fun and creative and meditative activity can be a great tool to create our body of light, but the ultimate AIM of the mind-drawing course is to become aware of one’s Soul Purpose. For many, it is their Soul purpose to reach for enlightenment.
These drawing techniques also enable anyone to: